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How to Set Your Facebook Account to Private

how to set your facebook account to private

We all have loads of fun on Facebook. People love to share every single detail about their lives and those of their families. We just bought a new car! We are vacationing in the Bahamas and other information that is not necessarily important for everyone to know. Have you really ever thought about the possible […]

Is “The Great Hack” a True Story?

is the great hack a true story

A lot of people ask if “The Great Hack” is based on a true story. Have you seen the Netflix movie or documentary “The Great Hack”? If you haven’t, then you should really try to or at least you can read a review of it here. Once again, brought to the fore is the issue […]

How does a RFID Card work?

how does a rfid card work

Introduction about how does a RFID card work Smart Cards have found many applications not only in the finance and payments industry but also in identity management, access control, logistics, healthcare, transportation, mobile communication, etc. As the applications of smart cards have grown, smart card technology has also evolved from simple magnetic stripe cards to […]

Article 13 and Its Implication for Internet Privacy

article 13

Since the EU passed the highly controversial Article 13, a lot of concerns have been raised. Discussions aimed at addressing its likely effect on the internet and its users have been rampant. Most people are complaining about how it will stifle creativity and stem the emerging culture of the internet. The internet might just become something […]

Preventing RFID Skimming – A Simple but Effective Approach

Preventing RFID Skimming

In a previous article we attempted to highlight the risks and process of RFID skimming. In that brief post, we simply identified some of the obvious risks without really proffering any solution. Today, we will be looking at some simple but effective ways of preventing RFID skimming. From our last post, we understood that the […]

RFID Skimming – Understanding the Threats and Process

rfid skimming

RFID skimming is something that many regular folks may not fully understand despite that fact that they are likely the worse hit. As the world continues its march toward a complete dependence on technology, new challenges continue to emerge. RFID skimming is one of these challenges. Though not new, it may not be receiving the […]

Addressing Privacy Concerns of Smart Home Devices

privacy smarthome

Privacy! How much does it mean to us? We all love the idea of walking into our homes and conveniently using our voices to control the lights, temperature, turn on the television, make a phone call, check our email, etc. You know all those stuff smart home devices offer. However, have we taken time to […]

Black Mirror Webcam Hack Episode – Today’s Reality

black mirror webcam hack episode

If you watched the ‘Black Mirror’ webcam hack episode, titled “Shut Up and Dance” and the whole scenes that played out on your screen seemed too far-fetched, then you need a very serious reality check. What you watched in that show was not a futuristic event but something that is currently happening. In fact, it […]

Phone Camera Spying Threats You Should be Aware of

Phone camera spying

We all pick up our phones and we boast about the quality of the front and back cameras. We take selfies and videos anywhere and everywhere. It really is fun. However, are you aware of the reality of phone camera spying? Did you know that your HD camera and crystal clear audio can be delivering […]

Understanding the Role of VPNs in Security and Privacy


Security and privacy are big issues in our world today. This is largely because the world is moving steadily and surely into a full blown digital age where almost everything is done across digital networks. With this increased reliance on the internet, the threat of cyber crimes has taken a new level of importance. More […]