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How Do I Make My Netflix Profile Private?

how do i set my netflix profile private

Hey! Netflix is just an entertainment platform so why will I want to make my Netflix profile private? We live in a time when practically everything we do that requires an internet connection or data transfer of any kind requires some scrutiny to ensure that there are no privacy and security issues lurking somewhere. Netflix is not exempt from this.

Why You Should You Be Concerned about Netflix Privacy?

There are two main reasons why you may raise an eyebrow regarding your privacy on Netflix.

  • First, Netflix makes use of cookies to save information on your system. This information is supposed to be necessary for using the service. Remember that cookies can be used to monitor your browsing history as well as the activities you engage in on the service.
  • Secondly, Netflix allows up to five users per account. The reason for this is to allow different users to watch things that are appropriate for them. That said, it is possible for others who share the account with you to see what you have watched. While this may not be an issue for you, there may be times when you watch something that you do not want everyone knowing about.

How Do I Make My Netflix Profile Private

Go Incognito

Netflix has something it calls private browsing. When this is enabled, it doesn’t stop the cookies from being deposited on your system. What happens is that once you close the browser after watching, the local storage, cookies and any extensions that may be added will be deleted. This may, however, mean that the next time you launch your browser to watch anything on Netflix, the Silverlight plugin that the service uses will have to be installed again.

Stop Sharing Netflix Accounts

Netflix allows you to share your Netflix with friends or family, depending on your subscription plan. It is pretty obvious that the risk of intruding on your privacy is higher when more people use the same Netflix account. Get your own personal Netflix account and don’t share it with anyone.

Delete Your Viewing History

Another thing you can do to ensure that no one but you knows what you watched is to delete your viewing history. Simply log into your account and navigate to the activity page. From here, you can delete any of the activities you do not want public.

Turn on Parental Control

Finally, this feature allows you to prevent your children from deciding to switch to your account to be able to access content for older viewers. What it does is allow you to put a PIN code on the accounts you don’t want your children to see. Come to think of it, you can also use it to make your own profile secure by putting a password that only you know.

how do i make my netflix profile privacy