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Why it’s a good idea to use a webcam cover

webcam cover

Webcam covers block your device’s camera to provide protection against webcam hacks. Covering up your webcam is a hands-on solution to a digital privacy problem. Webcam covers aren’t just for your laptop, they can be used on smartphones and tablets too! Leaving a camera uncovered on your digital devices could leave you exposed to unwanted surveillance by cybercriminals. Therefore, using a webcam cover is a good idea in order to keep your privacy protected.

What is a webcam cover?

A webcam cover is a privacy product that can be placed directly over the camera on your devices such as laptops, smartphones, or tablets. The purpose of a webcam cover is to prevent webcam espionage.

What is webcam espionage?

Webcam espionage occurs when a cybercriminal is able to gain control of your webcam so that they can spy on you through it. Essentially these criminals are online Peeping Toms. Using a webcam cover protects against these webcam hacks because the lens is covered, effectively blocking the view of a wannabe hacker.

What type of webcam cover should you use?

The following three options provide protection against webcam hacking. Each option has its own pros and cons.

Webcam cover option #1: The Original Spyslide® Webcam Cover

Spyslide webcam cover

  • Pros: Compatible with all your devices (from your smartphone to your laptop!). Thin and durable (made from stainless steel). Elegant and professional look. Functionality.
  • Cons: More expensive than a Post-it note or sticker.

Webcam cover option #2: a Post-it note

webcam cover

  • Pros: Post-it notes and sticky notes are very inexpensive and easy to find.
  • Cons: Low long-term durability. Likely to fall off. Cheap-looking. Low functionality.

Webcam cover option #3: a sticker

sticker webcam cover

  • Pros: Inexpensive, easy to find, and cute.
  • Cons: Low long-term durability. Easy to fall off. Potentially unprofessional looking. Low functionality.

Take-aways: Each of these options has its advantages and disadvantages. Are you interested in getting a webcam cover, but want to protect yourself in the meantime while you find the right fit? Sticky notes and stickers could be good short-term solutions while you shop for a more durable product. For long-lasting privacy protection, investing in a webcam cover like the Spyslide might be the best solution for privacy-aware individuals.

Simply stick on Spy-Fy’s Webcam Cover over your camera on your device and you can slide open the cover when you’d like to use the camera, and slide it shut when you’re done. With a Post-it note or sticker, you would have to reapply the cover every time you wanted to use your camera. This is why the Spyslide is a more durable and functional solution.

The risks of not using a webcam cover:

Webcam covers are more important now than ever, especially with many of us working from home due to COVID-19. Leaving your camera uncovered could leave you vulnerable to surveillance and webcam attacks. If you don’t want to risk a Peeping Tom peering at you through your camera, a webcam cover is an easy-to-implement solution to protect you.

Potential risk #1: Extortion. According to a Forbes article, some webcam attacks may occur in order to capture videos or images of people in compromising positions (i.e. changing or taking a shower). These cybercriminals then threaten to release these images unless they are paid a sum of money.

Potential risk #2: Children could be put at risk. A journalist at the Wall Street Journal asked an ethical hacker to try to hack into her webcams. She was shocked when he was able to send her a picture of her baby (Read the story here). This ethical hacker helped prove an important point. Leaving a webcam uncovered might be compromising the privacy of others around you, including your loved ones.

Potential risk #3: video chatting apps have had security issues. Zoom has faced its fair share of security concerns. Before some of the security measures were increased, it was confirmed that some users could have been at risk for webcam hijacking according to Forbes. With working from home becoming the new norm (at least for now), having a webcam cover is more relevant than ever!

Potential risk #4: the unknown risks. Whether you are working from home, in the office, or on the go, an uncovered camera could present privacy risks. Just think of how many times you bring your smartphone with you to the toilet. Not an image you’d want hackers to get their hands on. Using a webcam cover can give you the peace of mind you deserve.

Why should you use a webcam cover?

  1. Protect your privacy. The number one reason to use a webcam cover on your device(s) is for privacy protection. The reward of protecting your personal privacy is better than the risk of leaving yourself exposed to potential cyber-attacks.
  2. Security experts recommend it! A number of cybersecurity experts recommend covering up your webcam including the FBI!
  3. Even tech guys use webcam covers. Did you know Mark Zuckerberg was spotted covering up his laptop’s webcam?
  4. Webcam covers are a cost-effective solution! All three options described above provide affordable solutions against webcam hacking. A small investment on your part in one of these options can give you the privacy protection you deserve.
  5. Webcam covers are super easy to use. Webcam covers provide a functional solution to a major privacy problem. All you have to do is get your webcam cover, and it will take 5 seconds or less to install!
  6. Webcam covers can make great gifts. Giving someone a webcam cover shows them that you care about their privacy. It will be something that they see every day when they use their device, and will think of you! It’s a gift with a message: “I want you to be safe” or “I value your privacy”. Why not give yourself the gift of privacy protection?

At Spy-Fy, we value your digital privacy. That’s why we make premium privacy gadgets to help you stay protected! Be the agent of your own privacy.